What is Sales Coaching?

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Our Sales Coaching certification brings the style and method of professional coaching to the world of sales and sales team management.

With the Sales Coaching certification, through our own innovative and unique method, we turn managers into leader-coaches, into Sales-coaches for their B2B sales reps. The tools and the method conveyed achieve rapid, visible and sustainable results, boosting sales efficiency (conversion of visits, average order, purchase frequency…) and achieving much higher NPS with customers and eNPS with employees.

Similar to Sports Coaching, it is about providing Sales Leaders with rituals, tools and style to accompany each member of their team, in this case, each salesperson and each area manager, in their progress towards their best level in the quality of their sales visits, sales management of their area and their sales.

Sales Coaching Icf CCE


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Retail ventas capekelenn

Our main purpose with the CapKelenn Method is to sell more and better through more motivated and engaged teams.

Ensure that Managers deliver effective sales coaching sessions on visits and in the office.

Adress any conversation, Know how to ” say things “, even in difficult situations.

Simplify KPIs to identify reserves of opportunities as leverages.

Coaching up to the behavioral details of the sales method

Dignify the sales profession, generating pride

Relying on Fun theory to encourage sales, with gamification

Applying the Coaching style in team meetings as well

Sales Coaching, For Who?

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Do you want to innovate your service, upgarde your sales management skills, improve your work environment, profesionalize the organization of your teams, develop talent and bet on the most valuable intangible asset.: the Human Capital? This is the program for you.

The Sales Coaching Program is aimed at Managers at all levels of the company who lead sales teams (top & middle management). We seek to generate a context of trust to achieve extraordinary results among executives, middle managers and teams.

For companies in all BtoB sectors.

Sakes tean capkelenn

What does our Sales Coaching Program provide?

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Círculo de personas

Accompany and empower employees

Icon situaciones reales

 Improve communication

Icono calidad

Get the commitment of the teams

Icono compromiso

Create a leadership style in managers-coaches

Icono cultura

Develop a sales culture

Mejores ventas

Better sales

Icono escuchar

Improved listening

Icono excelencia

Learn to work in excellence mode

Icono colaboradores

To be able to motivate teams and to identify talent

Icono motivar

Apply new skills in real situations

Icono comunicación

Improve the quality of customer service

Personal menos rotación

Reduced staff turnover

Testimonials and experiences

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What do certified professionals say?

“For me and the team, counting on you has been a real luxury. We have learned while enjoying together.”

Soraya Fernández del Puerto | Sales and Retention Director | Compass Group | Verbatim (company)

I now know how to communicate the link between KPIs and Sales Attitudes. I’m back to work with pleasure! What a pleasure! I have applied the method 100%. The commitments have exceeded my expectations. It’s good to know that the company is going in this direction.

METRO – Sales Leader

How can we help you?

Contact us by filling out this form and we will reply to you in less than 48 hours.

We design a personalized plan for the needs of your organization!